Check out this “pawsome” gift idea…
The 2024 Lethbridge Police K9 Calendar is now on sale with all proceeds going to the Lethbridge and District Humane Society and Lethbridge Area Search and Rescue. This year is the 60th anniversary of the Service’s K9 Unit. Calendars are available for cash purchase only at the front counter of the police station, Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 4pm. For more info visit:

Participate in Community Conversations…
On Monday (Oct. 23) City of Lethbridge held its 2nd Community Conversation event at the ENMAX Centre. It was a great opportunity for you to come out and have your say about various projects going on in and around our community. It you weren’t able to make it you can still have your say online on various projects at:
Current projects we’re currently gathering feedback on include:
- ENMAX Centre Master Plan
- Residential Speed Limit Pilot
- Animal Bylaw Review
- Snow Control Service Level Changes
- 10 Ave & 9 Ave. S. Functional Plan
- Land Use Bylaw Renewal Project
- Climate Adaptation Plan

Because We’re Always Brighter Together…
Speaking of having your say: calling all local organizations and businesses it’s another opportunity to share your feedback! Economic Development Lethbridge, Downtown BRZ, and Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce are working together to survey local organizations in order to better understand and evaluate the current business landscape in our region as we move into 2024. Please take part in the annual Brighter Together Survey:

Get Outside and Play…
I’m not a fan of the winter weather at all, but Lethbridge Plays and the Helen Schuler Nature Centre make getting outdoors with your family easy with the Kid’s Map of Lethbridge – Fall and Winter Fun. Designed for children, youth and their families, the map features more than 50 play inspired locations across the city. It also shares ideas for games, outdoor activities, and online resources where parents and kids can access information for even more fun.
Copies can be picked up at the following locations:
- Cor Van Raay YMCA
- Fritz Sick, Nicholas Sheran and Stan Siwik Pools
- Helen Schuler Nature Centre
- Lethbridge City Hall
- Lethbridge Family Centre (North, South and West locations)
- Lethbridge Public Library (Main and Crossings branches)
- Tourism Lethbridge Visitor Centre
Council Highlights…
This week the Governance and Advocacy Standing Policy Committees met. Video and agenda packages for all meetings is available at:
Governance Standing Policy Committee, Oct. 26, 2023:
- Ethics Advisory Discussion
- After much discussion, the Governance Standing Policy Committee recommends that City Council direct Administration to conduct a review of the Council Code of Conduct Bylaw 6125 and provide a report.
- After the review it may be that Council will wish to re-examine an Integrity Commissioner and/or Ethics Advisor position(s).
Advocacy Standing Policy Committee, Oct. 27:
- Inviting MLAs and MPs on a regular basis
- A recommendation will move forward to Council that Lethbridge Members of the Legislative Assembly and Member of Parliament will each be invited to attend a separate Governance Standing Policy Committee meeting on a semi-annual basis.
- And a recommendation will move forward to Council that the City Manager prepare an update for the November Governance Standing Policy Committee that provides options for advancing advocacy for the City of Lethbridge. This could include an advocacy session with community partners/stakeholders led by the City of Lethbridge and exploring an Advocacy Consultatant for the City of Lethbridge.
Next week at City Council:
Oct. 31, 2023: City Council (
Oct. 31, 2023: City Council – Organizational Meeting (